The Realme 14x made its debut in India last month as the international version of the China-exclusive Realme V60 Pro. Realme has now announced a slightly altered 14x variant in Malaysia, featuring a smaller 5,000 mAh battery with 15W charging and IP64 dust and water resistance instead of the IP68/IP69 certification on the Indian version. Realme 14x (Malaysia) gets a smaller 5,000 mAh battery The rest of the spec sheet is identical between the two devices with a 6.67-inch IPS LCD (HD+ 120Hz), Dimensity 6300 chipset, a 50MP main cam and an 8MP selfie cam. The “new” 14x also boots...
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Top 10 trending phones of week 4
There will be no prizes for guessing which series dominates our trending chart this week. With the Galaxy S25 Ultra rising to the top a fe...
أبدت مريم الرويني إداري منتخب السيدات لكرة القدم اندهاشها من قرار اللجنة الثلاثية المكلفة بإدارة اتحاد الكرة بإقالة الجهاز الفني. via Fil...
Last week Google rolled out Circle to Search for the Pixel 6 family and the Pixel 7a, and in the same announcement it also revealed that C...
Xiaomi introduced three Redmi Note 9 phones back in March, followed by three more in November but the latter trio was designated for the l...
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