WhatsApp has been working on chat-specific theme support for a few months now, and the good news is that the feature has finally started rolling out. The bad news is it's only accessible by those who are using the Android beta of WhatsApp. So, while most of us won't get this right away, at least we can take a look and see what we can expect to roll out to every WhatsApp user in a few months or so. Before you say "WhatsApp already has chat themes", yes it does, but the new feature lets you select different ones for different chats. So you're no longer confined to a one-size fits all...
October 11, 2024 at 03:58AMvia GSMArena.com - Latest articles https://ift.tt/zP95Cxjاقتصاد ، الاقتصاد ، المال والاعمال ، اسعار العملات ، المقاولات ، مباريات ، الرياضة ، كرة القدم ، مناقصات ، المناقصات ، تكنولوجيا ، موبايلات
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