Motorola launched the Moto S50 Neo in June, and as promised, the brand unveiled the vanilla S50 today. The Motorola Moto S50 is powered by the Dimensity 7300 SoC, runs Android 14, and comes with 12GB RAM and up to 512GB storage onboard. The smartphone is built around a 6.36" 120Hz LTPO pOLED display of 2,670x1,272-pixel resolution with HDR10+ support and 3,000 nits peak brightness. The display also has a centered punch-hole for the 32MP selfie camera and a fingerprint reader underneath for biometric authentication. Around the back, you get a triple camera setup, which is a...
September 05, 2024 at 09:45AMvia - Latest articlesاقتصاد ، الاقتصاد ، المال والاعمال ، اسعار العملات ، المقاولات ، مباريات ، الرياضة ، كرة القدم ، مناقصات ، المناقصات ، تكنولوجيا ، موبايلات
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X now has a vertical video feed in the US
TikTok is back up in the US but a lot of its competitors have been making moves to attract its users these past few days, and today X anno...
أبدت مريم الرويني إداري منتخب السيدات لكرة القدم اندهاشها من قرار اللجنة الثلاثية المكلفة بإدارة اتحاد الكرة بإقالة الجهاز الفني. via Fil...
Last week Google rolled out Circle to Search for the Pixel 6 family and the Pixel 7a, and in the same announcement it also revealed that C...
Xiaomi introduced three Redmi Note 9 phones back in March, followed by three more in November but the latter trio was designated for the l...
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