
الاثنين، 2 سبتمبر 2024

Formovie Cinema Edge UST projector review

Formovie Cinema Edge introduction Formovie might not be a household name in Western markets, but the brand is actually well-established and has quite the pedigree. Formovie is a joint venture between Xiaomi and APPOTRONICS - a world-leading laser display technology company with its own patents and R&D and over 90% market share in the laser cinema space. So we are really talking about some big players here. The Formovie Cinema Edge projector we are looking at today is a high-end consumer-grade UST unit. It is a 4K UHD projector with an advertised brightness of 1800 ISO lumens and...

September 02, 2024 at 03:02AMvia - Latest articles

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