
الأحد، 26 مايو 2024

Weekly poll results: the Xperia 1 VI is promising but pricey, Xperia 10 VI gets the cold shoulder

Sony has always had a reputation for high quality but expensive products – and that is an apt description of the Xperia 1 VI, judging by the results and comments for last week’s poll. The poll also gauged interest in the Xperia 10 VI mid-ranger, but let’s start with the good news first... sorry, spoilers. Half of voters are interested in the Mark 6 flagship. The unique camera setup drew attention and so did the much-improved battery life. Speaking of, that was helped by the lower resolution of the display, but that caused arguments – is 1080p+ enough for a flagship? Did 4K ever make sense...

May 26, 2024 at 05:54AMvia - Latest articles

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