
السبت، 25 مايو 2024

Lava Yuva 5G teased with a 50MP camera

Lava unveiled the Unisoc T606-powered Yuva 3 in February, and it will soon expand the Yuva lineup with the launch of the Yuva 5G. Lava shared a couple of teasers revealing the Yuva 5G's design. It has a flat frame, with the right frame housing the volume rocker and power button, which will likely double as a fingerprint scanner. Brace yourself, Gen-Z!#Yuva5G - Coming soon#LavaMobiles #ProudlyIndian— Lava Mobiles (@LavaMobile) May 25, 2024 The Lava Yuva 5G sports a circular camera island on the rear, housing a flash and two cameras, with the primary camera...

May 25, 2024 at 08:01PMvia - Latest articles

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