
الأربعاء، 24 أبريل 2024

The Polestar Phone is now official as a rebranded Meizu 21 Pro

Last year EV maker Nio launched its own smartphone and this seems to have started a frenzy amongst its competitors. Today, right on schedule, Polestar has announced its very own first smartphone, the inventively named Polestar Phone, following a few weeks of leaks, rumors, and teasers - yesterday we even saw a pre-announcement unboxing video. The Polestar Phone is made by Meizu and based on the Chinese company's 21 Pro device, which was unveiled back in February. That's no coincidence since both Polestar and Meizu are owned by Chinese auto giant Geely. The Polestar Phone comes...

April 24, 2024 at 05:59AMvia - Latest articles

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