
الخميس، 25 أبريل 2024

Samsung launches ridiculously overpriced 50W charger

If you buy a Samsung high-end smartphone, or even a mid-ranger, there's no charger in the box, but of course the company will happily sell you an overpriced assortment of them if you so desire. And today it's launched the most overpriced of them all - a dual 50W charger, which can either charge one port at 50W or both at the same time at 25W each. Those specs aren't impressive at all, but they're enough for Samsung phones, none of which goes past 45W wired charging support, and most of which top out at 25W. So the specs are tailor made for Samsung phones, and that's alright, but this...

April 25, 2024 at 07:02AMvia - Latest articles

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