
الجمعة، 29 مارس 2024

iPhone 12 gets 15W Qi2 wireless charging support with iOS 17.4

Apple released iOS 17.4 earlier this month, and the big news about it was its compliance with the new EU Digital Markets Act, but it looks like that wasn't the only big thing hiding inside this update. In fact, the new software seems to have unlocked support for the Qi2 wireless charging standard. According to testing conducted by Macworld, the iPhone 12 with iOS 17.4 now charges wirelessly at 15W when magnetically connected to a Qi2 charger that isn't Apple's MagSafe. Previously, in such a scenario, wireless charging would be limited to 7.5W, so the jump is quite substantial. Back...

March 29, 2024 at 02:17AMvia - Latest articles

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