
الجمعة، 23 فبراير 2024

Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro pre-order start date for the US revealed

Asus made the ROG Phone 8 and ROG Phone 8 Pro official last month, but so far the company hasn't announced availability details for the US. However, one of our enterprising readers reached out to Mobile Advance, an official Asus selling partner for the US, and inquired about the launch time frame. Surprisingly or not, a Mobile Advance rep was quick to reveal the dates. As you can see from the screenshot below, courtesy of our reader, pre-orders for the ROG Phone 8 Pro in the US are currently set to start on February 29. The phone will then be shipped at some point between March 11...

February 23, 2024 at 06:47AMvia - Latest articles

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