
الخميس، 28 سبتمبر 2023

iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus survive the bend test that shattered the iPhone 15 Pro Max

When it's not overheating, the iPhone 15 Pro Max fails bend tests - like the one performed last week by Zack from YouTube channel JerryRigEverything. It's quite a sight to behold how the back glass shatters when the phone is bent, and keep in mind that this is the first iPhone to ever fail such a test. Let's reminisce: Today it's time to see if the vanilla iPhone 15, which still has an aluminum frame, unlike the Pro Max's fancy titanium, will share the same fate or not. Spoiler alert: no. Watch the full durability test for yourself and see: As usual, it all starts with a screen...

September 28, 2023 at 12:35AMvia - Latest articles

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