Samsung Galaxy F14 debuted in India today, joining the Galaxy A14 5G and Galaxy M14 in a trio of very closely related phones. Much like the other two, the Galaxy F14 is built around a 6.6” 90Hz PLS LCD of FullHD+ resolution and a 5nm Exynos 1330 chipset with 5G support. You get Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection on the Galaxy F14, whereas the glass type on the M and A siblings isn’t confirmed. Inside the Galaxy F14 is a 6,000mAh battery, which matches the Galaxy M14, but is bigger than Galaxy A14’s 5,000mAh unit. The F14’s 25W maximum charging speed is higher than the 15W offered by...
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Instagram announces Edits, its CapCut rival
TikTok wasn’t the only high-profile app banned in the US recently, as fellow ByteDance video editing app CapCut also went dark. Meta waste...
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Last week Google rolled out Circle to Search for the Pixel 6 family and the Pixel 7a, and in the same announcement it also revealed that C...
Xiaomi introduced three Redmi Note 9 phones back in March, followed by three more in November but the latter trio was designated for the l...
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