Today WhatsApp is announcing that the Status feature is getting a ton of new functionality. The updates that enable all of these new functions are already rolling out to users globally, and should become available to everyone who uses WhatsApp "in the coming weeks". So what exactly is new, you wonder? First off, you can now record and share voice messages as status messages. These can be up to 30 seconds long. Next up, you can update your privacy settings per status, so you can choose who can see (or hear) your status every time you update it. As you might expect, your most recent audience...
February 08, 2023 at 03:59AMvia - Latest articlesاقتصاد ، الاقتصاد ، المال والاعمال ، اسعار العملات ، المقاولات ، مباريات ، الرياضة ، كرة القدم ، مناقصات ، المناقصات ، تكنولوجيا ، موبايلات
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Four affordable Samsung Galaxy phones certified, support pages now live
Samsung is preparing to launch four new affordable smartphones, all of them with 5G connectivity. Support pages and certification listings...
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Last week Google rolled out Circle to Search for the Pixel 6 family and the Pixel 7a, and in the same announcement it also revealed that C...
Xiaomi introduced three Redmi Note 9 phones back in March, followed by three more in November but the latter trio was designated for the l...
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