The OnePlus Pad is expected to become official on February 7 at the same event where the OnePlus 11 is making its global debut. The tablet has so far been portrayed in some dark "speculative renders", and then the company itself teased it in late January. Today, courtesy of the always on point Evan Blass (a.k.a @evleaks) we get a better look at the upcoming device, through a newly leaked image that seems to be an official marketing render. That camera circle/island/bump/hump/protrusion... thing though - it's just something else, isn't it? Clearly OnePlus was aiming for unique design...
February 04, 2023 at 12:59AMvia - Latest articlesاقتصاد ، الاقتصاد ، المال والاعمال ، اسعار العملات ، المقاولات ، مباريات ، الرياضة ، كرة القدم ، مناقصات ، المناقصات ، تكنولوجيا ، موبايلات
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