
الأحد، 31 أكتوبر 2021

Flashback: Samsung S8500 Wave, the first phone with Super AMOLED and first with Bada OS

Do you know which was the first phone with a Super AMOLED display? Some of you may have answered “the original Galaxy S”, but that is not the case – if you read our story of OLED displays on mobile phones you will know that it was the Samsung S8500 Wave, which beat the Galaxy S to market by two months. Back then we called this a "modest retail package" - if only we knew what was coming Or maybe you answered correctly because you still remember the Wave phones and the OS they ran – Bada (Korean for “ocean”). It was a precursor to Tizen, the OS that runs on Samsung smart TVs today...

October 31, 2021 at 04:09AMvia - Latest articles

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