
الخميس، 30 سبتمبر 2021

Facebook has Reels now, taking TikTok cloning one step further

Facebook's never-ending quest to quash its competitors through copying their features has reached a new high (or low, depending on how you look at it) today with the launch of Reels. "But wait", you say, "isn't that an Instagram feature?" And the answer is, yes, but from now on you can also see Reels on Facebook. TikTok keeps getting ever more popular, and Facebook's TikTok clone thus can't forever be omitted from the main app. Because let's face it, Reels is a TikTok clone like Stories was a Snapchat clone, and here's the thing - no one remembers Snapchat anymore. Facebook won that...

September 30, 2021 at 04:33AMvia - Latest articles

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