Qualcomm introduced its latest flagship chipset called Snapdragon 888, and companies immediately started bragging they’ll bring their new phones with the platform. Xiaomi went a step further and announced on that the chip will make its global debut on the Xiaomi Mi 11. Meanwhile, in a Weibo reply the Redmi director Lu Weibing revealed the brand’s next flagship will also be among the first phones with the SD888, without revealing any details on a launch date or any eventual name. Xiaomi co-founder and CEO Lei Jun held a keynote during the Snapdragon Summit, speaking about the loyal...
December 02, 2020 at 01:59PMvia GSMArena.com - Latest articles https://ift.tt/36rezpQاقتصاد ، الاقتصاد ، المال والاعمال ، اسعار العملات ، المقاولات ، مباريات ، الرياضة ، كرة القدم ، مناقصات ، المناقصات ، تكنولوجيا ، موبايلات
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